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Alfred won't start at launch + behaves funny [Fixed 2.7.3 b409 pre-release]

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Since updating to Alfred 2.7.2 yesterday, Alfred behaves funny.


1. It doesn't automatically launches at login, although everything is set up so it does. I checked and made sure Alfred was allowed to launch at login in Apple > System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login items, and it is correctly set.


2. After manually launching Alfred, it won't remember the placement of the search bar. No matter what I do, it always goes back towards the top of the screen rather than the middle, where I prefer it to be.


Machine: MacBook Air with Yosemite 10.10.5

Alfred version: latest

Problem first appeared after latest update


Is that a know issue? If not, is there any workaround?


Thank you




Is that a know issue? If not, is there any workaround?


Thank you


As for Alfred not launching (or not displaying on initial launch), there have been murmurs of this and I'm currently looking into a solution.


As for the window position not saving, could you make sure you have "Save window position" ticked in Alfred's Appearance > Options.


Let me know how you get on :)





Ok so I feel stupid not checking the "save window position" option, because it was off. I guess I didn't think about it as I probably assumed in the back of my head this wasn't the problem since it always worked fine. Anyways, I'll stop making excuses for myself :)


If you need anything from me to try to replicate this launch issue, please let me know.




If you need anything from me to try to replicate this launch issue, please let me know.


Could you grab this build and give it a try for starting at launch...


[edit] - link removed, update to latest pre-release!


Do I just download and install as a new app? Will it overwrite my current version and remember all my settings?


If you just overwrite /Applications/Alfred 2.app, this is the same as updating the app... your settings are stored separately to this :)


I'll take the risk to sound ignorant here... So what you're telling me is drag/drop alfred 2.app into Applications folder, which will overwrite my current version, right?


I'll take the risk to sound ignorant here... So what you're telling me is drag/drop alfred 2.app into Applications folder, which will overwrite my current version, right?


Yep, exactly that! Just quit Alfred 2 first else OS X will tell you that you can't overwrite the app as it's running :)


Problem solved :)


Alfred is now available at launch. Thank you.


Now with the build you sent me, will I still be able to update to future versions?


Thanks again for your very quick help.


Problem solved :)


Now with the build you sent me, will I still be able to update to future versions?


Excellent! And yes indeed, this version will update automatically in the future as if it were a normal release :)




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