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New OmniFocus Task With File Attachement

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Hi Everybody,


just got my mega supporter license and "Wow. Alfred 2 is fast!"


Just created my first workflow: A File Action that creates a new OmniFocus Task with the File attached. Took me some time to get the applescript right (started out with the script in a screenshot http://patricklenz.com/posts/create-omnifocus-tasks-via-hazel-redux/ that didn't work for me) and refined it a little.


You can download it here: http://d.pr/f/zdSH


If you find any bugs just let me know.





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This sounds great. Can it add items to places other than the inbox? Can it add tasks without files? Can it add a task with a specific context and folder and project? This would be pretty great to expand to control Omnifocus completely. Maybe it could even add folders, projects, and contexts...

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No, it can't. There is already an extension for OF in Alfred 1 (http://support.alfredapp.com/extensions:productivity). I assume that it will migrated to Alfred 2.


You can easily define your own WF for 2 using the script in http://forums.omnigroup.com/showthread.php?t=21781. Creating a task with an embedded file was something I hadn't found else where so I created FW to get a feel for Alfred 2. It was a bit trickier than I thought.


(If Alfred 2 is released and nobody creates new WF for OF, I might create & share them. But OF2 is also in the making so let's see that they provide in terms of Applescript support, etc).

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From a blog post on OF2 that comes from the Omnigroup:


The Pro edition of OmniFocus will offer the option of building custom workflows like OmniFocus 1 does today, with its support for Perspectives and AppleScript.


So, they indicate that the regular version will leave out support for those things. Annoying.

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I've only just signed up as a Mega Supporter and played around with Alfred 2 Workflows for the first time this evening. My first attempt was a simple OmniFocus workflow, just to get a task into the Inbox, as I can never remember the hot key combination that I defined for the OmniFocus quick entry box. (I posted it online here but it's very basic and nothing most Alfred users couldn't figure out for themselves). 


Getting Alfred 2 and the forthcoming OmniFocus 2 working together seems like a really promising opportunity. Looking forward to seeing what additional AppleScript support is in OF2.  

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