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Alfred toggle won't work on startup


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Ever since updating to v2.7.2 (407), Alfred's shortcut key for me (cmd+space) will not work when I restart. I haven't updated my OS (10.10.5) in months or changed anything - it's been working perfectly since then. It happened immediately after updating Alref to the latest. I'm able to reproduce it every time I restart. When my macbook pro restarts, Alfred starts up like normal but I can't toggle the search input open by hitting cmd+space. I have to quit Alfred, restart it, and THEN the toggle will work. I've checked my keyboard shortcuts and cmd+space is turned off for Spotlight.

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Ever since updating to v2.7.2 (407), Alfred's shortcut key for me (cmd+space) will not work when I restart. I haven't updated my OS (10.10.5) in months or changed anything - it's been working perfectly since then. It happened immediately after updating Alref to the latest. I'm able to reproduce it every time I restart. When my macbook pro restarts, Alfred starts up like normal but I can't toggle the search input open by hitting cmd+space. I have to quit Alfred, restart it, and THEN the toggle will work. I've checked my keyboard shortcuts and cmd+space is turned off for Spotlight.


This will be resolved if you update to the 2.7.3 pre-release, which you can download by launching Alfred's preferences to the Update tab and choosing "pre-release" at the bottom. :)




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  • 2 months later...

Hi, i use the current version 2.8.1 (425) and i have exact the same problem since a longer time. The shortcut CMD-Space is forgotten after each restart of Alfred and resetted back to ALT-SPACE.


I can re-set it manual to CMD-SPACE and this works, but only until the next restart.


(Your tutorial https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/cmd-space/i have followed.)


What i can to?


Best regards


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Hi, i use the current version 2.8.1 (425) and i have exact the same problem since a longer time. The shortcut CMD-Space is forgotten after each restart of Alfred and resetted back to ALT-SPACE.


I can re-set it manual to CMD-SPACE and this works, but only until the next restart.


(Your tutorial https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/cmd-space/i have followed.)


What i can to?


Best regards



Hi Michael,


Your issue will be different to the one above; It seems your Alfred preferences are not persisting between restarts of your Mac. This can be caused by a corrupted preferences file, or OS X not allowing Alfred to write to disk because of permissions issue.


Take a look at this page for details on persisting preferences, and don't hesitate to ask if you need further help :)






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  • 6 years later...

Hello - I've been having the same problem for a couple months now, since updating to the latest release of 4. When I restart, the Alfred hotkey resets to default (there is no other key-combo occupying the one I want to use). I reset it and it persists until another restart. I have pasted in the terminal comments from here (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/preferences/) and I keep getting No Such File or Directory. I've double-checked my username, double-checked that I've quit Alfred, etc. 

I do sync settings (Dropbox) and share with my desktop computer which doesn't have the problem off those same settings. 

What else can I try? Thanks. Alfred 4.6.6 (1303) with powerpack. 

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1 hour ago, karenjs said:

I do sync settings (Dropbox)


Make sure that you've disabled Smart Sync on the folder with your preferences - this ensures that Dropbox doesn't remove the local files to save space on your Mac. This is usually the issue when the preferences seem to disappear.

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Thanks - SmartSync isn't enabled and the other settings (custom workflows) sync fine with my second computer - I originate custom workflows on both computers and they sync fine to the other. It's just the hotkey on this one computer that won't persist through restarts. Any other ideas? 

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@karenjs Could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can the email it to our info@ address, with a link to this thread please so that I can work out which conversation it relates to. I'll take a look and see what I can find out :)

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