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First Run for Workflows

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Could there be a thingie added for workflows that could be a sort of "first run..." sort of thing. So, instead of a hotkey, maybe there would be something that would be available so that there could be a disclaimer ("this workflow probably won't but may break your computer and cause armaggedon. If it does so, then the developers of Alfred and the particular workflow are not liable." Or it could take you through a series of commands that come with the workflow.

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Could there be a thingie added for workflows that could be a sort of "first run..." sort of thing. So, instead of a hotkey, maybe there would be something that would be available so that there could be a disclaimer ("this workflow probably won't but may break your computer and cause armaggedon. If it does so, then the developers of Alfred and the particular workflow are not liable." Or it could take you through a series of commands that come with the workflow.



There are currently a few ways of providing disclaimers.


One way is writing a file (maybe to the workflow's data folder?) on the first run. The script looks for that file; if it does not exist, do such-and-such (like display an AppleScript dialog), write the file, and proceed with the normal script; if it does exist, the script has already been run and can skip such-and-such.


Or you can use the README tab to provide disclaimers; this is easier than the first-run method and less intrusive.  ;)


Is this what you're after?

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