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Context Menu for Workflows

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It seems that most every program has a context menu (the sort of ctrl+click or two finger click) that users expect to be there. Alfred2 doesn't have one in the workflow editor, but it could be good to add one that would at least pop up something like "Delete Item" or whatever else might be useful. If the context menu is called on a blank part of the canvas, then it could just replicate the function that the + button has.

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There is potential for things like this in the future. Andrew has many more things planned for workflows and their development process. Things are kind of wrapping up for 2.0, but keep an eye out for things like this in future releases

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I actually spent several minutes trying to figure out how to display the context menu to delete various objects in workflows, or file/directory names in search scopes until I realized that I the delete key works.


So it would definitely help to be more consistent in the UI: some lists have little "+" and "-" tabs to add/remove items (e.g. Themes), some only have the "+" (e.g. Search Scope), and some have neither (e.g. user defined file types). And some have context menus (e.g. Themes, but it doesn't include the Delete action), but most don't.


Not a big deal, more a "polish" kind of thing...

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I have still to complete a post dev full UX sweep of Alfred 2, which due to time constraints may now happen between 2.0 and 2.1, and it will include things like standardising the +/- buttons and adding contextual menus for things like workflows :)

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