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Reveal all search results in Finder

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Hello everybody!


This is my first post here and I have close to zero experience with programming. But I really love Alfred and it replaced Spotlight since the first day for me.


Sorry if the question is dumb or misplaced, but there's really only one thing I miss from Spotlight, which I don't know how to get in Alfred. And that is "Show all in Finder". Concrete example: I search Alfred for "tags school" and it displays all the files I tagged "school". How can I make it open a Finder window with all of them? The only way I found to do this was to write as if I were searching in Spotlight, so instead of "tags school" I write "tag: school", then Alt+Return shows all the results in Finder, as I want. But is there any other way? I much prefer to see the search results in Alfred, then show them in Finder.


Please help, explain or point me to a workflow, as I don't know how to write my own, unfortunately.


Thank you very much!

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