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Quit All Apps fails to Quit any apps (Alfred Remote to Mac)

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Environment:  Mac Mini: Yosemite OSx v10.10.5, Alfred 2 v2.8 app; Alfred Remote v1.1; iPhone 5S running iOS 8.3


SESSION:  I have apps open on my Mac, e.g. iTunes, Notes, Chrome.  I confirm that Alfred Remote is connected (e.g. I can open apps using the Remote App on my phone).  Using the iPhone Alfred Remote App, I go to System Commands and press the "Quit All Apps" button.  No apps are "quit" on the Mac (FAIL).


EXPECTATION:  When using the System Command "Quit All Apps", then all apps should be quit.  It would be nice if even "some" apps were quit.

Edited by deezletown
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Environment:  Mac Mini: Yosemite OSx v10.10.5, Alfred 2 v2.8 app; Alfred Remote v1.1; iPhone 5S running iOS 8.3


SESSION:  I have apps open on my Mac, e.g. iTunes, Notes, Chrome.  I confirm that Alfred Remote is connected (e.g. I can open apps using the Remote App on my phone).  Using the iPhone Alfred Remote App, I go to System Commands and press the "Quit All Apps" button.  No apps are "quit" on the Mac (FAIL).


EXPECTATION:  When using the System Command "Quit All Apps", then all apps should be quit.  It would be nice if even "some" apps were quit.


With Alfred Remote 1.1, if an action is set for "confirmation" then you'll need to double tap the "Quit All Apps" icon in Alfred Remote. If you single tap the icon, you should see "Tap to Confirm" on any actions which need double taps.


You can turn off confirmation for specific actions in Alfred's Remote preferences by configuring the action (e.g. "Quit All Apps") and unticking "Confirm"


Hope this helps!




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