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Action command keyboard shortcuts - possible to fix?


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I often use Alfred and the action menu shortcuts to sort files that have gathered on my desktop where they belong.

However, depending from the number / type of files, these keep changing (ie. Move can be evoked either by Cmd+6 or Cmd+8 based on the situation).

In order to execute the actions, I always have to look for shortcut for the action. Having these fixed (for example in Norton Commander style - 5 for copy, 6 for move, 8 for delete - would this use case much more effective.

Or am I just missing something? Thanks...

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's probably best to get into the habit of typing a letter or two of the action's name. That gets you a much better hit rate.

Fixed hotkeys is a decent idea, but it's not really in sync with the way Alfred works in general (prioritising your favourites).

That said, Alfred doesn't appear to apply its knowledge to File Actions, so there's a case to be made that Alfred's current behaviour is sub-optimal from either point of view.

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Dear deanishe, 


thanks a lot for the suggestion, I will use the proposed approach of typing the name of the action in the meantime.

Seems like a workable way of executing the actions until a better solution has been put in place :)




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