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Email file action uses Mail instead of Mailplane


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When I use a file action to email a file, Alfred uses Mail.app instead of my default (Mailplane 3 Beta).


If I pull up a contact in Alfred and start an email that way, it works just fine (with Mailplane 3). 

If I set my default mail program to Sparrow it works as expected for both contacts and files.


* Edit: Latest Alfred build (163), OSX 10.8.2

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When I use a file action to email a file, Alfred uses Mail.app instead of my default (Mailplane 3 Beta).


If I pull up a contact in Alfred and start an email that way, it works just fine (with Mailplane 3). 

If I set my default mail program to Sparrow it works as expected for both contacts and files.


* Edit: Latest Alfred build (163), OSX 10.8.2


This is very likely down to the name of the beta app as AppleScript tells "Mailplane.app". If you rename the beta to Mailplane.app, it may likely work.

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If you rename the beta to Mailplane.app, it may likely work.


It almost worked. I renamed "Mailplane 3.app" to "Mailplane.app", and tried the email file action. It popped up a new message, but didn't attach the file.

I've got an applescript that does the trick in a file action workflow:


on alfred_script(q)
	set Applescript's text item delimiters to tab
	set input to every text item of q
	tell application "Mailplane 3"
		set m to make new outgoing message
		tell m
			repeat with i from 1 to number of items in input
				set a_file to (item i of input)
				set file_name to a_file as rich text
				make new mail attachment with properties {path:file_name}
			end repeat
		end tell
		compose m
	end tell
end alfred_script
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