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Evernote Workflow 9 beta 4 (Alfred 4)

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I am having some trouble with the Append functionality. Perhaps I am doing it wrong but when I follow the steps in the help section, it doesn't list any notes for me to choose. After I hit command-enter, the only options available are search engines. None of my notes from Evernote are appearing even though I know there are matches to what is typed so far. See image.... (by the way, I switched to Evernote download instead of app store and I just downloaded 8.61 of the workflow with the same results)



The screenshot indicates an error while processing the list.


I can’t reproduce it here though.


However, the build below tries to isolate the error.


In addition, before installing the new build:


  • make sure you are using Alfred 2.3 or later
  • go to Alfred Preferences and delete the workflow
  • restart Evernote app and make it synchronize
  • download and install the new workflow version: link
  • make some tests

If you see an error please let me know what it was and give me a step by step so I can try to replicate it.


In addition, does the keywords ent and ens work for you?


Finally, set Automatic in the workflow preferences (keyword enpref) if you’d like searching always with a wildcard or place an asterisk at the end of your query e.g. ens el*

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The screenshot indicates an error while processing the list.


I can’t reproduce it here though.


However, the build below tries to isolate the error.


In addition, before installing the new build:


  • make sure you are using Alfred 2.3 or later
  • go to Alfred Preferences and delete the workflow
  • restart Evernote app and make it synchronize
  • download and install the new workflow version: link
  • make some tests

If you see an error please let me know what it was and give me a step by step so I can try to replicate it.


In addition, does the keywords ent and ens work for you?


Finally, set Automatic in the workflow preferences (keyword enpref) if you’d like searching always with a wildcard or place an asterisk at the end of your query e.g. ens el*


After following your steps, everything seems to be working. Thank you!  Loving all the updates and features!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was wondering if it would be possible to create a new note from a template? Let's say I create an empty note with several fields and I would like to "clone" it and then fill it in.

It could be quite useful


Thanks for sharing this!


When you say "then fill it in" you mean you would manually fill the note? So the workflow would just create an empty note based on a template, right?

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I was wondering if it would be possible to create a new note from a template? Let's say I create an empty note with several fields and I would like to "clone" it and then fill it in.

It could be quite useful


Thanks for sharing this!


So far I have added 3 ways to work with a template:

Usage 1 - Simple

  • Show Alfred
  • Type the keyword enn
  • Highlight New Note from Template and hit return key
  • Select the template from the list
  • A new empty note window will be displayed

Usage 2 - Intermediate

  • Show Alfred
  • Type the keyword enn
  • Type the note template title (or a part of it enough to be found. See id suggestion below)
  • Highlight New Note from Template and hit return key
  • A new empty note window will be displayed

Usage 3 - Advanced

This is to really automate the process.

The first step is to create a special template as seen below:


The template note title can be anything but if you optionally add an id (as seen above) the workflow will create a new note with the same template title but without the id. This way it will be easier to see what is the template and what is the note created based on it.

You can use the id approach in Usage 2 too.

Note that the id is like the one above e.g.: (id:cts)

In addition to a different title the template can optionally have placeholders so you can fill a note directly from Alfred. Here is an example:

enn id:cts |Carlos |000-000 |World Cup Ticket

The placeholder |1 will be replaced by Carlos; the |2 by 000-000 and the |3 by World Cup Ticket.

I hope I was clear... :)


Evernote 8.81

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So far I have added 3 ways to work with a template:

Usage 1 - Simple

  • Show Alfred
  • Type the keyword enn
  • Highlight New Note from Template and hit return key
  • Select the template from the list
  • A new empty note window will be displayed

Usage 2 - Intermediate

  • Show Alfred
  • Type the keyword enn
  • Type the note template title (or a part of it enough to be found. See id suggestion below)
  • Highlight New Note from Template and hit return key
  • A new empty note window will be displayed

Usage 3 - Advanced

This is to really automate the process.

The first step is to create a special template as seen below:


The template note title can be anything but if you optionally add an id (as seen above) the workflow will create a new note with the same template title but without the id. This way it will be easier to see what is the template and what is the note created based on it.

You can use the id approach in Usage 2 too.

Note that the id is like the one above e.g.: (id:cts)

In addition to a different title the template can optionally have placeholders so you can fill a note directly from Alfred. Here is an example:

enn id:cts |Carlos |000-000 |World Cup Ticket

The placeholder |1 will be replaced by Carlos; the |2 by 000-000 and the |3 by World Cup Ticket.

I hope I was clear... :)


Evernote 8.81



Love the template functionality. What characters for the placeholders. I have tried the "pipe" symbol and lowercase L but neither seems to be working for me... I probably just have the wrong place holder in my template. Also what character are you suing when you type the note to delimit the placeholder?




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Love the template functionality. What characters for the placeholders. I have tried the "pipe" symbol and lowercase L but neither seems to be working for me... I probably just have the wrong place holder in my template. Also what character are you suing when you type the note to delimit the placeholder?





Right now the delimiter is the pipe: |


The pipe is used in the note template in a numeric order. If you need, for example, two fields then the note template should have a |1 and a |2 somewhere in the template.


When using Alfred you have to know the template title (an unique name) then you can write this:


enn template name |field one |field two


or without space:


enn template name|field one|field two


I have just tested the workflow in one template. Send me yours if you can't make it work.

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Hello together, 


first of all I want to thank all of you, who made this plugin as it iis today. Working with alfred and evernote makes everything so easy for me. 


I also want to give you feedback for steps I found. 


When I take a screenshot for one of my customer, I have to restart alfred to be able to make a new note. I have tried to change the clipboard entry. But that don´t work either. 


Any suggestions? Have anyone from you find a working solution for the picture clipboard?


kind regards


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Hello together, 


first of all I want to thank all of you, who made this plugin as it iis today. Working with alfred and evernote makes everything so easy for me. 


I also want to give you feedback for steps I found. 


When I take a screenshot for one of my customer, I have to restart alfred to be able to make a new note. I have tried to change the clipboard entry. But that don´t work either. 


Any suggestions? Have anyone from you find a working solution for the picture clipboard?


kind regards



It is possible indeed.


As soon as I have a working build I’ll let you know.

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So far I have added 3 ways to work with a template:

Usage 1 - Simple

  • Show Alfred
  • Type the keyword enn
  • Highlight New Note from Template and hit return key
  • Select the template from the list
  • A new empty note window will be displayed

Usage 2 - Intermediate

  • Show Alfred
  • Type the keyword enn
  • Type the note template title (or a part of it enough to be found. See id suggestion below)
  • Highlight New Note from Template and hit return key
  • A new empty note window will be displayed

Usage 3 - Advanced

This is to really automate the process.

The first step is to create a special template as seen below:


The template note title can be anything but if you optionally add an id (as seen above) the workflow will create a new note with the same template title but without the id. This way it will be easier to see what is the template and what is the note created based on it.

You can use the id approach in Usage 2 too.

Note that the id is like the one above e.g.: (id:cts)

In addition to a different title the template can optionally have placeholders so you can fill a note directly from Alfred. Here is an example:

enn id:cts |Carlos |000-000 |World Cup Ticket

The placeholder |1 will be replaced by Carlos; the |2 by 000-000 and the |3 by World Cup Ticket.

I hope I was clear... :)


Evernote 8.81


You Sir are the best!!!

Thank you very much for this! I will use it a little bit and I'll give you feedback asap :)

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New workflow build (template):


  • template id changed to: (id_some custom name here)
  • enn and a single % sign will bring a list of templates (just a list) that have the id format above: enn %
  • you can use {clipboard} in a template to get the clipboard content
  • you can use {selection} in a template to get the text selection


Download Evernote 8.82


When I use the approach 3 or enn + %  I always get "Template Not Found" IF I specify a Notebook where the new note should be created with the @ sign. If I don't specify the Notebook then it works but it creates the new note in the same notebook of the Template

Edited by lenny_leonard
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When I use the approach 3 or enn + %  I always get "Template Not Found" IF I specify a Notebook where the new note should be created with the @ sign. If I don't specify the Notebook then it works but it creates the new note in the same notebook of the Template


The enn % is just a shortcut so you can easily find a template but you don’t have to use it. But if you’d like to use it then you have to do this:


- use a notebook named Template or Templates and store your templates there (the ID can indicate the notebook  e.g. Template Title (id_notebook name), otherwise the new note will be saved in the default notebook)


- add an ID to your templates no matter in which notebook they are e.g. Template Title (id_something)


Right now, the template will be used to create the new note, meaning:


- the new note will have the same template content (though you can create a template with placeholders and fill it directly in Alfred)

- the new note will have the same template title

- the new note will have the template tags

- the new note will be created in the same notebook that the template is unless you have a notebook named Template or Templates then the notebook will be: the default one or the indicated in the template title using the ID e.g. Template Title (id_notebook name)


From what I read that’s what a template is all about. A pre-filled note so you can easily replicate it.


Maybe I should make a keyword for templates only e.g. ennt to make the new feature streamlined.

Edited by Carlos-Sz
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Hello together, 


first of all I want to thank all of you, who made this plugin as it iis today. Working with alfred and evernote makes everything so easy for me. 


I also want to give you feedback for steps I found. 


When I take a screenshot for one of my customer, I have to restart alfred to be able to make a new note. I have tried to change the clipboard entry. But that don´t work either. 


Any suggestions? Have anyone from you find a working solution for the picture clipboard?


kind regards



Please, try this build.


The keyword enn should indicate whether the clipboard content is text or an image.


If it finds and image then it will be attached to the note.


Append should also work with an image from the clipboard.



When I use the approach 3 or enn + %  I always get "Template Not Found" IF I specify a Notebook where the new note should be created with the @ sign. If I don't specify the Notebook then it works but it creates the new note in the same notebook of the Template


Please, try this build.


  • keyword ennt for templates
  • added a special Help for templates
  • the ID is completely optional if you want to use ennt %
  • added Last Used Template menu item
  • read more about templates features here



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Please, try this build.


The keyword enn should indicate whether the clipboard content is text or an image.


If it finds and image then it will be attached to the note.


Append should also work with an image from the clipboard.




Please, try this build.


  • keyword ennt for templates
  • added a special Help for templates
  • the ID is completely optional if you want to use ennt %
  • added Last Used Template menu item
  • read more about templates features here




Hi Carlos,


I am still having trouble with using my template and filling in the fields. My template can be found at the link below. Could you try it out and see if you can make it work for yourself?






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Hi Carlos,


I am still having trouble with using my template and filling in the fields. My template can be found at the link below. Could you try it out and see if you can make it work for yourself?







I have just tried and it work find with the current build that you can download here.


Note, however: change the template title to Teaching (id_Teaching)


Please read details about templates advanced features here.


Finally, here is what you have to type in Alfred:


ennt Teaching (id_Teaching)|Math|Book|Numbers




PS: nice template!

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Here is a new build that should be close to a final release regarding the Template support.
In resume:
- the workflow supports templates saved in any notebook
- the workflow supports templates saved in a notebook named Template or Templates
- if you have such special notebook to store templates then you can optionally indicate in which notebook the new note should be created. To do so, go to Evernote app and add the notebook name after the template title following one of the ways below:

  • Template Title [notebook name here]
  • Template Title (notebook name here)
  • Template Title notebook:notebook name here
  • Template Title @notebook name here
  • Template Title (notebook:notebook name here)
  • Template Title [notebook:notebook name here]

- you can now set a hotkey so the workflow will create a new note based on your last used template without any interaction at all


- please, read about advanced templates features here


Download Now

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I have just tried and it work find with the current build that you can download here.


Note, however: change the template title to Teaching (id_Teaching)


Please read details about templates advanced features here.


Finally, here is what you have to type in Alfred:


ennt Teaching (id_Teaching)|Math|Book|Numbers




PS: nice template!



That worked like a charm. I guess I was confused on how to name the templates and the syntax to activate it. Your example was very helpful.





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Please, try this build.


The keyword enn should indicate whether the clipboard content is text or an image.


If it finds and image then it will be attached to the note.


Append should also work with an image from the clipboard.




Please, try this build.


  • keyword ennt for templates
  • added a special Help for templates
  • the ID is completely optional if you want to use ennt %
  • added Last Used Template menu item
  • read more about templates features here




Many, many thanks. It works great! ;-)


Great and fast support! 


You got it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A feature suggestion: could you add the ability to prepend to a note? I most often add things to evernote from Alfred where I want the most recent on top... I'm using a KM script for this right now, but it would be great to use Alfred!

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