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Evernote Workflow 9 beta 4 (Alfred 4)

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Thanks for the tip.


But it seems I am not able to set the wildcard before my term e.g. "*mark". Am I right?





I set the preferences to automatic but "marks" still give me no result. :(


I may be wrong or even my Evernote is not that right but I think you can only use an asterisk wildcard after the query, even in Evernote app.


The workflow is a kind of front end for Evernote app and thus follows Evernote app rules.

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Just installed the 8.9 version of the evernote workflow.


Have problem when typing enn just show "New note from template, Keyword: ennt"


When install 8.7 again the enn works fine and when install 8.9 the same problem occur.


Any solutions?


Thanks for a great workflow.

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Just installed the 8.9 version of the evernote workflow.


Have problem when typing enn just show "New note from template, Keyword: ennt"


When install 8.7 again the enn works fine and when install 8.9 the same problem occur.


Any solutions?


Thanks for a great workflow.


Please, try to delete the workflow from Alfred preferences then install it again.


It seems fine here (OS X Mavericks).

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Tried that as well, doesn't work.


Run also OS X Mavericks.


Have also Parallels with Windows 8 running.


Please, try this version.


Make sure you’re using Alfred 2.5 or later.


Thanks for this great workflow! I prefer to use Packal to make upgrading of workflows easier, but the latest update for Evernote there seems to be 8.0. Could you distribute updates via Packal again?


Sure, as soon as I have a new major and final version I’ll also update it there.


The latest version, with Yosemite initial support, is 8.9. You can download it here.

Edited by Carlos-Sz
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About Evernote 5.6


The new version of Evernote app changes how notes are saved and, unfortunately, removes any reference to the note file/folder itself, meaning the workflow will not be able to show a note preview (quick look).


I’ll keep trying to find a way but so far it does not seem possible. :(

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I just tried the new update 8.91. I don't have yosemite but I use Mavericks. I tried using ent along with selected notebook. After the colon I began searching a word and the results including notes from every notebook which was weird since I had already selected a specific notebook to look into. Just an FYI.

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I just tried the new update 8.91. I don't have yosemite but I use Mavericks. I tried using ent along with selected notebook. After the colon I began searching a word and the results including notes from every notebook which was weird since I had already selected a specific notebook to look into. Just an FYI.


Evernote 5.6? If not please install the previous workflow version (see initial post for links).


[update] It seems version 5.6 changed the way to search in a notebook. I’ll have to make an update. Thank you for your feedback.


[update 2] It seems the Evernote app command find notes is not working properly (it seems another bug). The command is not passing results from a given notebook but always from all notes.

Edited by Carlos-Sz
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When you type a new note (with "enn"), it seems that it's not possible to get a title different from the note's body. Am I right or am I missing something ? I'd like to be able to directly enter both my note and a specific title right into Alfred bar. Thanks.

Edited by ChrisDeveloper
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When you type a new note (with "enn"), it seems that it's not possible to get a title different from the note's body. Am I right or am I missing something ? I'd like to be able to directly enter both my note and a specific title right into Alfred bar. Thanks.


Use /n between title and the note itself (a second /n will be interpreted as a new line) e.g. enn my title /n my note

Edited by Carlos-Sz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carlos, I love this Workflow but I'm wondering if I can choose whether or not to include the URL of the top most browser tab to Appended text?


I've included a short screencast showing my issue.  I just want to know if there's a way to choose whether or not to include the URL when appending text to a note?







Update: The workflow isn't adding anything now when I try to Append... see screencast



Edited by jamiedefined
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Hi Carlos, I love this Workflow but I'm wondering if I can choose whether or not to include the URL of the top most browser tab to Appended text?


I've included a short screencast showing my issue.  I just want to know if there's a way to choose whether or not to include the URL when appending text to a note?







Update: The workflow isn't adding anything now when I try to Append... see screencast




Please, download the latest workflow version. I see you’re using 8.0. Great video by the way.


Download 8.91 for Evernote 5.6 app or greater


PS: see initial post for details.

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It's weird, when I reinstall it works once, and then stops.  I don't know how to tell if my Evernote is from the Mac App Store or Evernote.com, is there any way to tell?


You can try to open the App Store app and check if Evernote is installed.


The workflow will only work properly with the Evernote from evernote.com and also with the latest Alfred version.

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Have the same problem again.


Just installed the 8.91 version of the evernote workflow and updated Evernote


Have problem when typing enn just show "New note from template, Keyword: ennt"


When install 8.7 again the enn works fine and when install 8.9 the same problem occur.


Any solutions?

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Have the same problem again.


Just installed the 8.91 version of the evernote workflow and updated Evernote


Have problem when typing enn just show "New note from template, Keyword: ennt"


When install 8.7 again the enn works fine and when install 8.9 the same problem occur.


Any solutions?


I can’t reproduce the issue but I’m making some tests.


Please try to delete the workflow from Alfred Preferences then install it again and make sure Alfred is also updated to version 2.5 (299).

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Have the same problem again.


Just installed the 8.91 version of the evernote workflow and updated Evernote


Have problem when typing enn just show "New note from template, Keyword: ennt"


When install 8.7 again the enn works fine and when install 8.9 the same problem occur.


Any solutions?


In addition, here is a new build (8.92) that changed the template keyword from ennt to etem



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