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Localized app name in results


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I'm wondering if the following is expected behaviour ("Lieferungen" means deliveries in German):


The Deliveries app is localized in German and I bought the app from the German App Store, but my language is set to English.



Alfred is being given the display name by OS X (without knowing the language)...


perhaps try setting your localisation to German, and then back to English then typing 'reload' into Alfred.


Also, what is the app showing as in Finder?




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  • 1 month later...

Spotlight also has this issue, so it doesn't appear to be related to Alfred.


Switching from to German and back to English didn't fix the problem. I switched it to German briefly a while ago, this may have caused the issue as my German work machine has always been in English and does not have the issue.

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You can try re-indexing the app, which should hopefully update the name. In Terminal/iTerm, run mdimport /Applications/Deliveries.app
Probably not relevant, but somebody might find this trick useful: I sometimes need to start an application with German locale on my English system (so it uses German number formatting etc.). I added a File Action connected to the following script:


original_locale=$(defaults read -g AppleLocale)

defaults write -g AppleLocale "$new_locale"

open {query}

defaults write -g AppleLocale "$original_locale"

This only affects one application, and the best bit is it doesn't change the application language, so I don't have to deal with Apple's weird German translations.

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