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Capitalization discrepancies between index and path cause Alfred to open the parent of problem directory instead of the target


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Reliably—with caveats detailed below—when searching for a directory in Alfred 2.8.2 for Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.3 (15D21), capitalization discrepancies between the actual path of the target and the path of the target as stored in the index (or at least as displayed among the search results be Alfred) cause Alfred to open the directory of the parent of directory that has the capitalization discrepancy instead of the target directory.


Here is an example:


This first path exists...




...and this second path is displayed as a search result for IFFB (see screenshot, note the capital B in DropBox)...




...but hitting return opens this third path...




...unless I leave the Finder window with the bad result open and search again immediately, in which case I will get the correct result. Also, sometimes if many windows are open (perhaps one of them displaying the "third path" above, I haven't checked) I can get the right result. In this case, I can close all open Finder windows, search "IFFB" again, and reliably induce the bug behavior.





P.S. I tried to include screenshots but got the error "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community" when I pasted in screenshots and I didn't see a way to just add an attachment that didn't ask for a URL and show up as a question mark in a box.




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