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Searchio! Auto-suggestion from search engines in different languages

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On 8/30/2018 at 6:57 PM, deanishe said:

If you can build the workflow from the develop branch, it should work as expected.


Beyond that, I'll try to release a new RC at the weekend. There are a few fixes/enhancements in develop and Niki has started posting duplicates of his own issues on the Searchio! repo.


Unfortunately I can't do it without any Go knowledge. I tried to build the search.go file with go build search.go and didn't succeed because of some missing packages.I thought about installing the packages on my $GOPATH but I was afraid to screw up everything so I gave up.


Hope the new RC will not take long.

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5 minutes ago, deanishe said:

I've just had a look, and it's more or less uncompilable at the moment. The AwGo API has changed a lot since then, so it'll need a bit of a rewrite :( 


Perhaps I can make a release using the binary I'm currently using. That one seems to work…


It's ok for me. If you prefer don't making a new release you can share the binary on this thread as well.

Edited by xilopaint
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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, xilopaint said:


Not working for me. Are you sure you committed the changes?


Yes. "Not working" isn't a very helpful description, and this isn't the right thread for it.


Please re-install the workflow, and if something isn't working, post in the workflow's thread.

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1 hour ago, deanishe said:


Yes. "Not working" isn't a very helpful description, and this isn't the right thread for it.


Please re-install the workflow, and if something isn't working, post in the workflow's thread.


Not necessary anymore. I just realised that I had to use +  because was selected as an action hotkey on Alfred Preferences. Now everything is ok.

Edited by xilopaint
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On 10/1/2018 at 9:59 AM, xilopaint said:

I don't believe a few small donations would make any difference to @deanishe's decision of developing a new build


You're right. @nikivi avoided that issue by making an extremely generous donation. Whole crates of beer! That and some good suggestions and a PR for improving the workflow.


If I'm honest, the main reason I haven't released a proper v2 is that I hate developing this workflow.


Because it rewrites its own info.plist, I have to delete and re-create a bunch of my own searches for each release, but most of all Alfred (or more precisely the FSEvents API) doesn't notice changes to symlinked files, so I have to re-link the workflow constantly and/or restart Alfred to get the changes to appear.


More importantly, I'm wondering if the whole thing needs rewriting again.


@nikivi wants to be able to have alternate search engines for modifier keys, so for example, ↩ does the search with Google, but ⌘↩ does the search with Google's I'm Feeling Lucky.


I'm not a huge fan of that, but what I would like to do is separate suggestion sources from search URLs somewhat. That way you could use Google or DDG to provide suggestions for sites that have a search URL, but not an autosuggestion one. That would make the OpenSearch import a lot more useful (so far, I've found that only MediaWiki sites also provide the auto-suggestion API).


I could automatically fall back to Google suggestions if the site doesn't have its own API (rather than failing), but I'm not sure how effective that would be.


In either case, that's already possible by adding your own custom engine definitions in the data directory, but that's a sucky UX.


Edited by deanishe
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1 hour ago, nikivi said:

my Web Searches workflow and your idea above


I'll have to look into that. I don't know your workflow, and I have no idea how it works. I don't really understand how you can fuzzy search a site unless its search API is set up for that already (which very, very few are).


55 minutes ago, xilopaint said:

A minor issue: DDG's brand is DuckDuckGo and not Duck Duck Go.


Dammit! Thanks for pointing that out, I guess. How the hell did they come up with such a stupid name, anyway?

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7 minutes ago, deanishe said:

I don't know your workflow, and I have no idea how it works. I don't really understand how you can fuzzy search a site

It's simple. You query Google/DDG for autosuggestions, use it for merely getting the autocomplete on query and on return open my workflow but save the query from before. Then search through 400+ websites on which you can run that query on.

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