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Antidote 8/9/10/11

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Working on an update right now!




Actually, I need a bit of help with this one 😔


I have an updated Applescript that works well

tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect"
	lance module dictionnaires mot "bougie"
end tell


But I don’t know how to translate it with the {query} so it can run in Alfred (/user/bin/osascript (AppleScript)). So far, I have this, but it doesn’t work.

on run
  set theQuery to "{query}"
  tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect"
    lance module dictionnaire mottheQuery
  end tell
end run


Edited by JolinM
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Okay, I’m now at

tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect"
  lance module dictionnaire mot q
end tell

The error message I receive is the following

[14:29:52.840] ERROR: Antidote 10[Run Script] 56:68: execution error: La variable dictionnaire n’est pas définie. (-2753)

But running it in Script editor does work… any clues?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would love to help out! We published the API ;-)


Documentation for the API can be found under Script Editor, dictionary is found AgentAntidoteConnect. Available in English to help out.


Here is the transcript :


launch modulev : Launches an Antidote module

launch module corrector/‌dictionaries/‌guides/‌preferences

[word text] : Specifies selected word

[title text] : Specifies title of document

[version integer] : Specifies version of the communication (X.Y)

[reserved string specifier] : Specifies reserved string



We're looking at publishing a maintained flow by Druide informatique to use with the API. Would it make sense for you? We would then expose all functionalities : open all kinds of resources, validate errors. You would then be able to modify it and adapt it for your own needs. But it would be maintained by us. What do you think ?


Integration Team at Druide informatique


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Hi @AntidoteConnect, thanks for the answer.


Still not really sure how to make it work. Is it an issue of writing it in French vs English?

tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect"
	lance module dictionaries word q
end tell


The new error I have is  the following

« given », « in », « of », expression, « with », « without », autre nom de paramètre, etc. prévu(s) mais jeton inconnu trouvé(s).


And after that, I still have to plug it in Alfred, which I don’t know how to do 😞.

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  • JolinM changed the title to Antidote 10
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...



I am running Antidote 10 v5.1 and when I launch the corrector I get: 



   Or, if the text is selected in another application:





  All I am really looking for is for the text that is in the clipboard to be sent to Antidote.. I don't really need for it to be corrected and placed back into the application from where the text was generated.. Is there a way to do this ?





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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Many thanks for this workflow JolinM. I use the Antidote 9 workflow. This appears to be the thread for both Antidote 9 and 10, so I'll write here.


If I launch Antidote 9 to search a word's definition (first image), Antidote 9 launches but I initially get a blank page (second image) instead of the intended definition page (third image). To get to the definition, I have to e.g. click on "synonyms" then re-click on definitions, which takes a second or two.


This does not seem intended, anyway to get the definition directly?


Thanks again so much for making this!

Screenshot_2022-01-04 21.19.56_o22Ulh-min.png

Screenshot_2022-01-04 21.20.56_e5e82K.png

Screenshot_2022-01-04 21.24.26_NQGNCt-min.png

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  • JolinM changed the title to Antidote 8/9/10/11
On 1/4/2022 at 9:30 PM, TheThunderChimp said:

This does not seem intended, anyway to get the definition directly?

Bonjour @TheThunderChimp,


Mon script est un simple AppleScript qui va comme suit:
My script is a simple Applescript that goes like this:

on alfred_script(q)
  tell application "Antidote 9"
    lance dictionnaire mot q
  end tell
end alfred_script

Autant que je sache, c’est la limite d’interaction qu’Antidote 9 possède. @AntidoteConnect aurait peut-être plus d’éclaircissement?

As for as I know, it’s a limit that Antidote 9 has. Maybe AntidoteConnect will be able to show us some light.

Edited by JolinM
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Bonjour @TheThunderChimp,

La dernière mise à jour des fonctions d'Antidote 9 remonte à 2018; je vais faire un peu d'archéologie et je vous reviens!

L'intégration avec les services macOS (qu'Alfred utilise) a été complètement revu avec l'édition d'Antidote 10 (sortie en 2018) et Antidote 11 (paru en 2021); il nous est impossible de rapporter les correctifs vers l'édition d'Antidote 9.

Je vous reviens rapidement.

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@JolinM @AntidoteConnect @TheThunderChimp I wasn’t going to say anything when it was just two messages, but now that we’re up to three people and you’re preparing for more… Please refrain from (publicly) using languages other than English in these forums. I know you’re not saying anything bad (and are in fact being quite polite) but it creates a barrier which makes it harder for other users to access the conversation and is harder to moderate.

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