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Workflow to block domains?

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Hi all, first post here. I loved Alfred and since workflows looks so powerful I was wondering if you could give me a hand creating one to block certain domains when triggered. I currently use this app to do it, and I basically managed to reproduce every functionality it has with workflows (which I think is amazing) except domain blocking.


Say I want to block:

  • twitter.com
  • reddit.com
  • facebook.com

How should I do that? I did a little research on the topic and editing the hosts file looks dangerous and is mostly advised against, I have no idea how Concentrate does the job.


Thanks, here's a GIF of a sloth for the trouble.

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Editing the hosts file is the only way I can think of to do this right off. While it does create some issues, they could be managed. It would also prob require modifying the sudoers file which opens up potentially security issues. So.. This CAN be done and can be done with the hosts file but I actually wouldn't recommend it. A proxy may be an easier way

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Editing the hosts file is the only way I can think of to do this right off. While it does create some issues, they could be managed. It would also prob require modifying the sudoers file which opens up potentially security issues. So.. This CAN be done and can be done with the hosts file but I actually wouldn't recommend it. A proxy may be an easier way

I see, thanks for the reply and for all the other workflows you make :)

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