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On 9/23/2024 at 9:47 PM, outlander said:

I just discovered this, and it looks awesome! One thing I didn't see anyone ask and don't see being supported (I think) is adding reminders to a specific section. That's not possible right now, correct?

Sorry not sure what you mean by specific section? If you're talking about lists, that's already possible, see the first post

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On 9/27/2024 at 10:37 AM, surrealroad said:

Sorry not sure what you mean by specific section? If you're talking about lists, that's already possible, see the first post

Well there is specific Sections functionality within Lists - https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/reminders/remn14bf0e77/mac.


So in the screenshot below you can see that "Danny", "Ashley" and "Olivia" are different sections within Family Tasks list. If I do "r addthis in <listname> list" it would create new section 'Others' and add there. What would be great is being able to "r addthis in Family Tasks/Ashley list" or something like that.


On a similar note, does Alfred support auto-completion for options? Let's you start typing "r addthis in groc", press tab or other key, and it would auto-complete list name to 'groceries' (assuming that list exists).



Edited by outlander
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On 9/23/2024 at 10:47 PM, outlander said:

That's not possible right now, correct?


To chime in here, afaik this is not possible. Apple's SDKs for calendar events and reminders are quite underdeveloped and have been for years. I can find no reference to reminder list sections in the documentation (e.g. here or here), or even the way older nested reminders. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though 🤗

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6 hours ago, outlander said:

Well there is specific Sections functionality within Lists - https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/reminders/remn14bf0e77/mac.


So in the screenshot below you can see that "Danny", "Ashley" and "Olivia" are different sections within Family Tasks list. If I do "r addthis in <listname> list" it would create new section 'Others' and add there. What would be great is being able to "r addthis in Family Tasks/Ashley list" or something like that.

Ah ok, I'm still a luddite on Sonoma so haven't seen this. But no, unlikely this will get added.


6 hours ago, zeitlings said:


To chime in here, afaik this is not possible. Apple's SDKs for calendar events and reminders are quite underdeveloped and have been for years. 

Bingo. This is why I gave up actively developing this workflow some time ago. The energy goes towards better apps for users, not better systems for developers. Which is… fair enough? 


6 hours ago, outlander said:

On a similar note, does Alfred support auto-completion for options? Let's you start typing "r addthis in groc", press tab or other key, and it would auto-complete list name to 'groceries' (assuming that list exists).

This I don't know. I suspect not possible with this workflow, because it would require pulling data out of reminders at a reasonable speed, which is very much not possible for going on 7 years or so.

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