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Clipboard not work properly


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Alfred version 3.1 [718]

Mac Os X 10.11.6


Hi i love alfred but i think there are 2 problems with clipboard:

  • if another app copy a string on a clipboard i can't see the string on clipboard history. Example: open 1password and search a password click on copy button and i can't see the password on clipboard history
  • when i copy a formatted text on clipboard, when i try to repaste the text loose the formatting. Example go to https://www.tinymce.com/copy the editor content, copy something else, delete the editor content and try to paste the first content on the editor.... the paste lose all formatting.

Before to switch to alfred i used Clipboard History and this app don't have these issues.


Please fix.



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if another app copy a string on a clipboard i can't see the string on clipboard history. Example: open 1password and search a password click on copy button and i can't see the password on clipboard history


By default, password managers are excluded from Alfred's clipboard. You can remove 1Password from the clipboard exclude by going to Features > Clipboard > Advanced, selecting 1Password and pressing the backspace key. However, this means your password will be stored in plain text, so we don't encourage this.


when i copy a formatted text on clipboard, when i try to repaste the text loose the formatting. Example go to https://www.tinymce.com/copy the editor content, copy something else, delete the editor content and try to paste the first content on the editor.... the paste lose all formatting.


Alfred's clipboard is plain text by design, as in the vast majority of cases, users need to paste content that matches the destination formatting. 


[Moving out of bugs to closed]



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