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frequent crashes with growl


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I just upgraded to a new macbook pro with macOS Sierra 10.12.1. I experience frequent crashes with Alfred now, after happily using the App Store version for years (currently on v1.2 220). It seems to crash while the laptop is put to sleep. I see these messages in console.log:


Process:               Alfred [15221]
Path:                  /Applications/Alfred.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred
Identifier:            com.alfredapp.Alfred
Responsible:           Alfred [15221]
14  com.alfredapp.Alfred              0x0000000100001df4 0x100000000 + 7668
       0x100000000 -        0x1000caff7 +com.alfredapp.Alfred (1.2 - 220) <B3D9B5C1-C285-32D9-A953-6B3F5ABBBD70> /Applications/Alfred.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred
       0x100137000 -        0x100166fff +com.growl.growlframework (1.3.1 - 1.3.1) <81F2E452-20C8-3F2D-94B2-B58FA5DE1ECE> /Applications/Alfred.app/Contents/Frameworks/Growl.framework/Versions/A/Growl


It's pretty annoying. I would've moved to another tool if I didn't notice that the app store version is ancient. I couldn't figure out why my prefpane had so few options :)

Edited by vitor
Surround log in proper code tags
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6 hours ago, technoweenie said:

I would've moved to another tool if I didn't notice that the app store version is ancient.


But that means you’re now on version 3, right? And that log clearly shows Alfred 1. So the question is: are these crashes still happening on Alfred 3, or do they just happen in Alfred 1 and you’re reporting it here as a “you might like to know”?

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