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How to call Alfred script filter externally with an argument?

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Hey all and happy new year ?


I've read through this but it doesn't really specify how I can actually do what I want to do.


What I want is to be able to call an Alfred script filter from applescript similar to how I can call Keyboard Maestro macros with this : 



  osascript -e 
    tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
    do script ... -- where the name of the script goes
    end tell




Edited by nikivi
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1 hour ago, nikivi said:

I am curious though, when Workflow author updates his workflow, would my external triggers will need to be changed?


If you’re creating them in workflows that aren’t yours, they will be overwritten (erased) by new versions if the author doesn’t have them, yes.


Another way to accomplish what you want would the something like:

tell application "Alfred 3" to search {{keyword_here}}

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