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Clipboard - paste as plain text


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@dfgh Welcome to the forum :)


If you launch Alfred's prefs to the Workflows tab, click the [+] button in the bottom left, and choose Templates > Clipboard > Paste as plain text. Add the workflow and set your hotkey, and you'll be good to go!



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Would it be possible to enhance the power pack clipboard feature to provide this as an option, possibly by holding an additional key, for pasting from the history?  If I'm not mistaken, using the template suggested above doesn't provide any history capability (which is the great feature of the power pack).

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@ACGarland Welcome to the forum. :) 


The Clipboard History is stored as plain text by default, so you can pop up your Clipboard Viewer (Cmd + Alt + C by default) and select the item you want to paste.


Alternatively, if you know that you specifically want to paste the 2nd or 3rd item, you can use dynamic placeholders in the workflow mentioned in the earlier post:



If I've misunderstood what you're looking for, could you give an example of what you have in mind?



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  • 1 year later...

@Tekl Alfred's clipboard history is plain text by default, so you can simply select the item you want to paste and either hit return to paste to the frontmost app, or use Cmd + C to copy it to your current clipboard.



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