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Welcome to the Alfred Community Forum! Please read the guidelines and respect them when using the forum.

We created this community to give you a place to share ideas and tips on using Alfred. To make it a pleasant environment for everyone, we ask everyone to respect a few guidelines.

Share your knowledge: If you've created a workflow, theme or have had a great idea for how to use Alfred in your day-to-day life, other users will most likely be very pleased to hear about it so share away!

Play nicely: Please be helpful and report bugs & issues you come across, but be polite when you do so. Give a comprehensive answer, as "this doesn't work" is unlikely to provide us with enough information to be able to help you.

Be kind to fellow forum members. Inappropriate behaviour, antagonistic language and bullying is not acceptable on the forum and, while we will usually give you a warning to let you know, we reserve the right to hide a discussion thread or suspend a user if necessary. We have a zero-tolerance for abusive behaviour towards other users and moderators.

The forum is a place for helpful questions & answers and improving your knowledge of Alfred. It is not a place to vent if you feel Alfred isn't the butler for you. By all means, do ask for help with things that you'd like to do, but please don't use the forum as a soapbox as these posts will be moderated.


When contributing to discussions, please use your own experience and knowledge in your answers. Responses sourced from AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT) can often be written in a convincing tone, but be factually incorrect, so these posts may be removed to avoid confusing other users.

Help us by validating your Powerpack email address: If you're looking for support for Powerpack features, you'll be required to validate your registered Powerpack address. Only admins will see this email address so it will remain private. Once validated, moderators and developers will be able to help you with Powerpack-related questions.

Most of all, have fun. We love Alfred and hope you do too. :)

The Alfred team (Vero & Andrew)

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