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Posts posted by jdouge

  1. OK thank you for the quick response! -- the Alfred folder in my Dropbox contained all of the old folders AND the Alfred.alfredpreferences file. I left everything alone, so Dopbox did not need to update. Then I went to the Advanced tab and set that folder as the sync folder. Alfred restarted, but did not import my old preferences.


    What should I try next?

  2. Wiped and reinstalled my iMac. I have my old folder "Alfred" with all of my customizations in my Dropbox. To re-set my "new" installation of Alfred to those preferences do I simply press the "set to sync folder" button in the Advanced tab in Alfred Preferences and point to that folder? I am concerned this would overwrite my old preferences with the generic data in my new "Alfred 2" folder on my hard drive.


    Then I was going to overwrite the data in the new "Alfred 2" preferences with the data from my old "Alfred" preferences, but the folders have very different subfolders and files, and that caused my some confusion.


    I am sure there is a quick and obvious answer to this, but I don't want to make a mistake i can't recover from!



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