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Posts posted by klane

  1. Hi! I'm new to Alfred forums, I've had the powerpack for about a month now but I've ran into an issue...


    I can't program!


    Soo... if anyone would be kind enough to explain the basics of what I need to do (or if you'd like to make the workflow for me) that would be amazing.


    Here's what I have spent hours researching how to do but failed to make anything work:


    A workflow to:

    1. Starts with keyword "Good Morning"
    2. Notification that says good morning back (is that weird? idk)
    3. kill any applications currently running (kind of like a fresh start) 
    4. open specific applications (is it possible to have some running in the background?)
    5. open specific files


    1. is there a way to have alfred auto login to the specified websites? (I do have 1password)
    2. is there a way to make separate desktops? or is that too advanced... (I have El capitan)
    • Reason why is because I wanted one desktop to open "school" related websites/files and the other open my "wasting time online" files. 

    I feel like this is way too much to ask, so if anyone would just like to explain only one or two things I'd really appreciate that.  Thank you! -K

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