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Posts posted by Machinegun

  1. Thanks for the replies and I'll definitely try it when I have the chance. Is there anyway I can do a file filter workflow with iMessage conversations?


    Thats what I meant when I added a scope for Library/Messages but nothing still comes up or is it chat.db?


    Edit: I figured it all out with the advanced parameters and what not. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

  2. Hi, I've searched for quite a while and I'm not sure if I used the wrong keywords or terms, but is there anyway I can do a quick search with a name in Alfred and have conversations and emails pop up (like in Spotlight)?


    I've reindexed everything, and I have the email and messages boxes unchecked in the don't show section in file search. I've also tried adding /Library/Messages into search scope but that didn't yield any results either. Is there anyway I can do this at all?


    Any help would be much appreciated.

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