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Posts posted by Schinzel

  1. Slowing down key events did not help. But on the same menu setting "Restore after" slider to the middle fixed the issue. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction

  2. Alfred 3.5 Build 875, Monday 25th September 2017

    OS X Sierra 10.12.6


    Snippets paste in items from clipboard instead of requested snippet. I have not found the pattern for when the bugg occurs and as such cannot write down steps to recreate. But I do know that when requesting the snippets works in for example a text editor but the same snippets paste from clipboard in Chrome. I have recorded my screen to show how it happens and does not happen. But this film might contain personal info and I do not want to post it in a public forum but would be happy to email it. 


    Thanks for a great product!

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