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Posts posted by Goldberry

  1. Well, I really appreciate the help, but I've tried everything I can think of now.  There's nothing unusual going on with my screen or computer except that I'm using Spaces -- but I had this problem before I started using those, too.  I downloaded the latest version of LibreOffice; I changed every setting I could find (but couldn't really find anything relevant); I tried creating a new file instead of working on one that was converted from Word... all for nothing.  So I have tried Google Docs and decided to use Docs for these files that need heavy editing and conversion to and from Word.  


    I'll lose a couple of helpful features from LibreOffice like the Find bar, but the Find bar wouldn't tell me how many instances were found or replaced in any case.  The Alfred shortcuts will save me a ton of time and typing when working properly.  Docs doesn't require me to save in a special format while working and export when done, and I had trouble recently with a particular file that showed overlapping letters in LibreOffice until the sender removed the tables.  Docs opened it without a problem.  I can still use LibreOffice for spreadsheets that I'd rather keep on my computer than in the cloud...


    Thanks again!

  2. Hmm.  I have Alfred 4.2.1 and LibreOffice  As the amazing Vero said, I tried changing the speed settings for Alfred snippets and they don't make a difference.  There's a newer version of LibreOffice which I haven't installed yet, but I doubt that will resolve the issue.  Most likely it's because you're using an older version that this isn't a problem for you.  Looks like I'll have to get Word after all!



  3. Hi -- three years later and I am having this issue as well.  I had it on my old MacBook Pro and hoped it would disappear on my new one, but it's still there.  I've set up all kinds of handy snippets for my editing work and instead of appearing on cue, if I've copied something in Writer, that gets pasted in instead.  The only way to fix it is to switch to another app and back to Writer (which clearly defeats the intention behind snippets!).  Vero from Alfred customer service suggested that I reply to this thread.  


    I also tried disabling Alfred snippets and setting up "Text" snippets directly on the Mac, but those don't work at all.  It appears they need individual permissions for each app, and LibreOffice doesn't offer the option.


    Any thoughts on adjustments I could make so that LibreOffice and Alfred can have decorous afternoon teas together?

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