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Posts posted by Hincin

  1. I have a lot of snippets for programming-related tasks. An example is `[]` (open and closed square brackets) which expands into `"[{cursor}]". I have a similar snippet for two double-quotes, for regular parenthesis, etc. When I use these snippets in Xcode, and only in Xcode, any character before the parenthesis gets deleted. It seems this is because Xcode automatically deletes the opening parenthesis when the closing one is deleted (when Alfred expands the quote) so Alfred removes one "extra" character. See attached video.


    What you were doing when the issue happened

    Debugging ;)


    Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action

    Yes, this always happens.


    Include any screenshots that might help us



    Include the Alfred version & build number you are using

    v3.6 [901]


    Include your OS X version

    macOS High Sierra 10.13.3

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