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Posts posted by maximep

  1. Yea not a problem I probably wasn't clear enough, it'd be awesome to add a number variable to create X test tickets that would allow us to very quickly test workflows when needed or during demos even.


    As for the settings, just to clarify, we have a shared dropbox folder with the team, where we put our synced preferences folders so whenever a member of the team adds a workflow or a search others can benefit from it. With that in mind do you think we need to hardcode each of our test accounts in a file and call it with a variable or can each of us have a test account set up on our machine even if the workflows are shared ?


    By the way it's sunday ! You should be out with your family not working on my boring workflows :)

  2. Hey David,


    This is really cool, it's petty much the direction we were looking for, i'm looking at the code and it's quite hard to wrap my head around actually so I have a couple questions :


    1) if we "share" our settings and preferences between multiple individuals is it possible to have a different "account settings" ? (i.e email, pwd, subdomain) 

    Basically is it possible to "hardcode" those settings into a file rather than having to type them ? and do you have a clever workaround to make it so that in this file we would enter all of our test accounts, i.e maybe typing zdmaxnew will create a new ticket on the account of Max and not the one of Pierre for instance.


    Could you make that change to the workflow ?


    2) The use case we have the most is creating test tickets to test features in our zendesk accounts for testing purposes, not really creating different tickets every time, would it be possible for you to adapt the script so that we could "pre-set" 1 or 2 ticket "templates" i.e (pre set, requester, subject, description, type, priority, content etc...) in a script, so really hardcoded rather than dynamic ? That way when we build a feature it's litteraly all about just typing "zdnewtkt" and it creates a new ticket. We can then type this as many times as we need to create 5/6 tickets for testing purposes. 


    Based on this we will easily be able I hope to see how you built your script and adapt it for other API calls 


    I don't know how much I can bother you with so I hope this is still something you can do ! otherwise don't worry you've already helped a lot !





  3. Yea I've seen that on twitter, nice congrats on the new job then.


    I work for a helpdesk software company and i was wondering if it'd be possible to build a script that says zd + keyword (i.e "new") and it then triggers an API action.


    So for example :


    zd new


    and it creates a new ticket via the API, see here


    We would obviously hard code the content of the new ticket (requester, content, subject etc...) in the call but at least it would open a lot of possibilities for us during demos or training sessions or even test environments


    Can you help out with something like this ?

  4. Hi guys


    I couldn't find anywhere to contact anyone so here we are.


    I want to create a workflow for one of my software demo account


    In this workflow I'd like everything to start with the word "flylo" 


    So for example we have a demo facebook page so I'd like to say "flylo fb" and it would open the url of the demo account fb page, the same way I'd like to do flylo tw and it will open the demo account twitter feed, but then I'll also want to do flylo time and it will open the timetable of a demo, or flylo site and it will open the main demo account site. 


    I think you get the point. I'm basically able to do that by doing a different keyword each time but I think it's quite inneficient... Is there a way to create a main "keyword" (here : flylo) and then variables that go after like "fb" "tw" "site" etc...and each of those variables trigger a URL opening.


    Thanks !



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