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Everything posted by selfmade69

  1. After the last update, i couldn't get the clipboard to be updated unless i copy it two times. I am on OSX 10.2.4 using alfred 3.7 please advice EDIT: And yes the clipboard history is turned on : https://monosnap.com/file/4EcvJRXAxPK8BSnEOEjLqBRQAcHgYr
  2. OK, I got rid of the said line and connected the Open URL action but it doesn’t pass anything to the browser. Does it work for you? https://d.pr/f/UHIoDh Here is what the debugger says: [2018-07-24 18:57:27][ERROR: action.script] File "/Users/UN/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3/Workflow Scripts/B562468F-248D-4FC2-B734-E940EB042E08", line 4 import sys ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Please excuse my ignorance but how do I "bundle requests"?
  3. I want make a quick search for phpBB forums websites one of them is www.cracked.to when I search on it, it generate a new SID for each search result so the simple of putting {query} isnt the option, I was wondering if I can pass it through python: I tried this on windows terminal, its working, but I am not sure pass how to pass it on web browser through Alfred. Here is the script: import requests import sys query = sys.argv[1] payload = {'action': 'do_search', 'keywords' : query, 'postthread' :'2', 'matchusername' : '1', 'forums[]': 'all', 'findthreadst':'1', 'numreplies':'', 'postdate':'0', 'pddir':'1', 'threadprefix[]': 'any', 'sortby':'lastpost', 'sortordr':'desc', 'showresults':'threads', 'submit':'Search'} if len(query) > 0: r = requests.post('https://cracked.to/search.php', data=payload) print(r.cookies) print(r.url) Here is the workflow: https://d.pr/f/vEVw9K Any ideas?
  4. @vitor Hey I think we can do this using python but I am not being able to pass it to the browser: Here is the script: import requests import sys query = sys.argv[1] payload = {'action': 'do_search', 'keywords' : query, 'postthread' :'2', 'matchusername' : '1', 'forums[]': 'all', 'findthreadst':'1', 'numreplies':'', 'postdate':'0', 'pddir':'1', 'threadprefix[]': 'any', 'sortby':'lastpost', 'sortordr':'desc', 'showresults':'threads', 'submit':'Search'} if len(query) > 0: r = requests.post('https://cracked.to/search.php', data=payload) print(r.cookies) print(r.url) Here is the workflow: https://d.pr/f/vEVw9K Any ideas?
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