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Posts posted by kvonhard

  1. Thanks so much - I can try there as well and will. 


    I want to take this:



    And make it automate into this:




    My clients use a variety of task management (or not) automation. I managed to feed all my client tasks (asana and google sheets) into my calendar. And feed my calendar into the Today and Upcoming lists as appointments. But since most of them are tasks that I need "To Do" I wanted to make them automate into checklists.


    When I read through the AppleScripts documentation on Things this is what it told me: 

    Each predefined list visible in the left panel of Things can be accessed via AppleScript. Lists You can access the following lists of Things using their names:

    - list “Inbox”

    - list “Today”

    - list “Anytime”

    - list “Upcoming”

    - list “Someday”

    - list “Logbook”

    - list “Trash”


    They are predefined and you may not create any new lists using the make command. Each list contains collections of to-dos. Please note: the sort order of to-dos and projects accessed using “to dos” and “projects” collections corresponds to the UI.


    For instance: Things AppleScript Guide 4

    tell application "Things3"

    set inboxToDos to to dos of list "Inbox" *To me this said create a ToDo list titled "inboxToDos" that pulls from the "inbox" list 

    repeat with inboxToDo in inboxToDos *To me this intended to create a repeatable process where the inboxToDo above repeated for new inboxToDos as the inbox updated*

    (--- do something with each inbox to do using inboxToDo variable)

    end repeat

    end tell


    tell application "Things3"

    set upcomingToDos to to dos of list "Upcoming"

    repeat with upcomingToDo in upcomingToDos

    (--- to-dos get sorted by start date - just like in Things UI) 

    end repeat

    end tell


    I assumed that since the predefined "lists" included Today and Upcoming (the two things I want to make ongoing To Dos of since that's where the calendar items feed) I should pull the data from those and then use the definition of "Todaytodos" and "upcomingToDos" to turn the listed items into To Do checkable boxes after creating To Do Lists titled "TodayToDo" and "UpcomingToDo" ... 


    And it also said the way to use Things was to use Alfred to create workflows.  I understand the basic fundamentals of coding but somehow I think this turned out to be more complex than I intended. 


    Of course, once I even get the script complete, I'm going to come back here to figure out how to make the Alfred Workflow work. I couldn't figure out how to start the trigger if I want to try to get it to run continuously when new data is added to the Today and Upcoming .

  2. Ok, y'all, I've spent like four hours trying to figure this out. I'm NOT a coder. Bear with me. 


    All I want is to turn the sad little "Today" and "upcoming" Calendar events that I've imported from my iCal turn into handy dandy To Dos so I can check them off. 


    I went to the Things website, read through the Applescripts and think that these (one or the other) should do it: 


    tell application "Things3"

    set TodayToDos to to do of list "Today"

    repeat with TodayToDo in TodayToDos

    end repeat


    set UpcomingToDos to to dos of list "Upcoming"

    repeat with upcomingToDo in UpcomingToDos

    end repeat

    end tell




    tell application "Things3"

    set TodayToDos to to do of list "Today"

    repeat with TodayToDo in TodayToDos

    end repeat


    end tell


    tell application "Things3"

    set UpcomingToDos to to dos of list "Upcoming"

    repeat with upcomingToDo in UpcomingToDos

    end repeat


    end tell


    I purchased Alfred complete with workflows since according to Things you should be able to use Alfred. 


    I'm not exactly sure the order to start the workflow and then get it to work. I figured out the middle part where you shove the code. But after like four hours of Googling - I can't figure out how to build the whole thing because, clearly, I'm an idiot. 

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