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Posts posted by KernelPan1c

  1. I wish there was a way to theme more of Alfred. My understanding is many of the app icons are created in paintcode, and coded into the alfred executables to reduce the application size. 


    While I find most of alfred to have some style, I find the action icons for file search and iTunes control lackluster and that the teal icon accents doesn't necessarily go well with custom themes. I'm a graphic designer by trade so I'm opinionated about icons for obvious reasons. However, I also think alternate built-in grey scale or even light and dark icon themes would also be great options to accommodate a variety of themes if allowing replacements is too great a stretch..





  2. 3 minutes ago, deanishe said:


    As mentioned above, a lot of Alfred's icons are defined in code, rather than being icon files, so I don't think they can be replaced.


    Is it possible to replace icon files in an app bundle these days without invalidating the signature?


    I get what you're saying now, some svg or similar data format. Thanks. May require more digging then but likely not possible. You can still replace files in apps as long as they're not executables.

  3. 6 minutes ago, deanishe said:

    You can replace the icons in workflows easily enough by opening the appropriate workflow/action and dragging your new icon onto it. Built-in stuff is off limits, however, as far as I know.


    Yeah, seems straightforward enough for third party workflows. 


    It seems like some of the built in features are stored in .workflow files inside the Alfred app. Perhaps the icons are buried elsewhere though. If there was an easy enough way to access them it would be pretty easy to script a replacement after updates.


    Thanks for the info though. 

  4. So old topic, but I have the same question essentially and this topic turned up in search. Though I would like to change icons in multiple workflows. They're not very aesthetic icons and I would prefer to make custom icons and replace. However, I assume they're bundled in the file actions workflow, as with other respective icons and can't be replaced?


    Though I I hate to compare apps Alfred is more pleasurable to use / more similar to spotlight than Launchbar, but has half the style factor.

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