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Posts posted by KZeni

  1. 3 minutes ago, deanishe said:


    If you're using f.lux then you can use the script I linked to above. It switches Alfred themes at sunset/sunrise, just as f.lux does.


    While I'm sure that script works, I'm not sure if implementing bash & python scripts that you need to edit first & manually execute to then run alongside f.lux and Alfred is the best solution. I'd think that Alfred could/should add an option within its appearance preferences to handle macOS' built-in light & dark modes.

  2. I, too, use f.lux for changing between light & dark mode on macOS automatically at sunrise & sunset (apps are generally getting quite good at handling this appropriately), and I'd also love to see Alfred allow you to set light and dark themes to be used depending on the OS' current appearance setting (this still allowing for custom Alfred appearances to be used as preferred for each).


    Again, many other apps switch themes seamlessly as f.lux changes the light/dark macOS appearance and I was thinking it'd be nice if Alfred offered this as well.

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