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Posts posted by Beet

  1. I started with the idea in https://agileadam.com/2020/05/switch-audio-input-output-device-using-alfred/, turned it into an Alfred workflow, and collaborated with https://github.com/Jeffr89 to make the setup easier.


    It has an external dependency which can be installed with `brew install switchaudio-osx`.


    It doesn't use ENV vars for configuration, but is a bit naughty in writing workflow variables directly to the .plist file when it autodetects switchaudio-osx.


    Usage and screenshots in the README: https://github.com/beet/alfred_audio_switcher


  2. Wow, one year to the day since releasing this workflow! As anticipated, NotePlan has added native implementations of the wiki link and hashtag actions, which are much more convenient.


    I'm personally still getting a lot of use out of the quick open and quick add actions, but again, looking forward those being made redundant as well.


    In response to comments around errors, please try downloading the latest .alfredworkflow file from here: https://github.com/beet/alfred_noteplan_actions/releases


    If it's still not working and you'd like to help, please turn on debugging mode for the workflow in Alfred and either paste the results here, or open an issue at https://github.com/beet/alfred_noteplan_actions/issues


    Here's to another year of productive peace and joy with NotePlan!



  3. New year, new productivity system, and this time I'm all in with NotePlan: https://noteplan.co


    It's a plain-text based Bullet Journal style todos, calendar, and notes app for Mac and iOS.


    Bullet Journal is an analogue system that describes itself as a mindfulness practice disguised as a productivity system: https://bulletjournal.com


    I'm not in anyway affiliated with either, but I'm a huge nerd for productivity systems, and also into mindfulness and stoic philosophy, but had yet to find a system that brought everything together. NotePlan finally seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle for me.


    I work, and so effectively live, in the digital space, specifically in software engineering, so a paper-based system really doesn't help capture my daily minutiae which is largely comprised of things like URLs, code snippets, and other fragments of digital information. NotePlan allows me to stay on top of not just _what_ I'm doing, but by providing a simple Bullet Journal style implementation, I'm able to keep that aligned with my goals while being mindful of _why_ I'm doing it. The BuJo style retrospectives and migrations have finally freed me of the dreaded "someday/maybe" list, or as I call it, the "probably/never" list of dread.


    As awesome as it is, I needed a few handy tools to ease the transition from Wunderlist, like being able to jump straight to a specific text note from anywhere, ubiquitous capture of todos, and fuzzy search for generating wiki links and hashtags. I even added a little tool I use personally for creating link notes from URLs.


    I've only tried this locally on my machine, but have been careful to use relative paths so hopefully it will work for others as well. I mainly utilises Ruby scripts and NotePlan's excellent x-callback-url API with Alfred's powerful script filter inputs. Alfred's new workflow components make it really quick and easy to work with extensible tools like NotePlan.


    There's more information on Github, with the Alfred workflow download in the releases section:





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