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Posts posted by nitrammit

  1. I'm tinkering with workflows and I've created a very simple one for launching projects using the following repos on GitHub:


    - HTML5 Boilerplate
    - WordPress

    - Laravel 3
    - Laravel 4

    - CodeIgniter


    This workflow very simply pulls in the latest version from GitHub and drops it into a folder on your desktop. The Laravel 4 command also runs composer install.


    All you need to do is punch in the correct command followed by the folder name you want to use. Examples:


    - html NewHTML5Project
    - wp NewWordPressProject
    - l4 NewLaravel4Project
    - l3 NewLaravel3Project
    - ci NewCodeIgniterProject


    Download - http://cl.ly/2O3V0D1P3S2s


    How could we improve this?



  2. Hello, all.


    I'm having a fiddle with Alfred 2's new workflows. I'm trying to create one that helps me launch a new project/website using one of my boilerplate repos hosted on GitHub.


    I am running the following shell script but my repos are not being pulled.

    cd ~/Sites
    git clone https://github.com/nitrammit/Launch-HTML5.git {query}
    cd {query}
    rm -rf .git README.md 

    Does anyone have any ideas? It works fine as a Terminal Command, but can I use this inside Run Script too?

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