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Posts posted by papawasarodeo

  1. I don't think you understood. It's not that there is a delay. Files SOMETIMES launch in the WRONG ORDER. The order of files IS a feature in this action, so it SHOULD work. 


    So yes. There is a bug. 


    The delay-part was just a suggestion for a quick workarround that maybe could help...


    Your suggested solution would clutter up what's already quite big worklflows, that also need to be quickly changed, so that's a no-go for me...

  2. I have a couple of workflows that is highly dependent on files opening in the correct order. That is the order I tell alfred to open them using the action "Launch Apps / Files". Sometimes, this simply don't work. The biggest problem seem to lie with files that opens in the same app. Maybe somehow Alfred is a bit to fast here?


    Anyhow. I hope this bug is quite easy to squash. If it's not: Maybe just have a small delay between the opening of files would help? If not, make it an option? That should be a good workarround anyhow...


    I'm on the latest OSX 10.8.3 and Alfred 2.0.2.


    / Fredrik

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