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Posts posted by PR.

  1. Hi,


    I'm currently experimenting with Workflows and wanted to setup a command to open all my commonly used applications at once and then hide most of them (they mostly need to be open for syncing or email alerts).


    I used the Launch Apps / Files option and that opens everything up ok, but I can't hide certain windows with it.


    Ideally I want to open Chrome, Mail, Evernote, Pocket, Reeder, Tweetbot, Colloquy, and iTunes but then hide Chrome, Mail, Evernote, Pocket, Reeder, and iTunes.


    I'm guessing this is something that I'd need to do in AppleScript but have no idea where to start.



  2. sepulchra, do you have a full list of Tweetbots url schemes?


    I would like to be able to pass a search from Alfred to open a new column in Tweetbot with my search query, but all the Tweetbot url schemes I've found mentioned so far are for the iOS versions only.



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