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Posts posted by howardm

  1. Did you install the wkpdf command line tool? The instructions are included in the readme section of the workflow description. Here they are (copied and pasted from the readme) for reference:



    Note: This workflow requires that you have wkpdf installed. Fire up a Terminal session and follow these steps:
    1. Update RubyGems if necessary (wkpdf requires version 1.3.3 or later; if you're not sure, just run the updater)
    sudo gem update --system
    2. Install wkpdf
    sudo gem install wkpdf
    That's all! You can update wkpdf to the latest version at any time with
    gem update wkpdf




    "Successfully installed wkpdf-0.6.10-universal-darwin
    1 gem installed
    Installing ri documentation for wkpdf-0.6.10-universal-darwin...
    Installing RDoc documentation for wkpdf-0.6.10-universal-darwin…"
    How can I check that wkpdf is "working" ?
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