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Zahir Yu

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Posts posted by Zahir Yu

  1. hello there, 

    i saw the randyH's conversation. so i edited here. just copy to paste this :D


    first. this is "run script"

    # Check for proper input value
    if [[ "{query}" =~ ^[0-5]\.* ]]; then
    	# Check if iTunes is running and playing a song
    	if [ $(osascript -e 'if application "Music" is running then return true') ]; then
    		iTunesPlaying=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Music" to if player state is playing then return true')
    	if [[ $iTunesPlaying == true ]]; then
    		# Grab interesting data for Notification
    		infoline=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Music" to "" & album of current track & " by " & artist of current track')
    		track=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Music" to name of current track')
    		# Get "stars" from numerical value
    		case "{query}" in
    			0.*) stars="½☆☆☆☆"; rating=10 ;;
    			1) stars="★☆☆☆☆"; rating=20 ;;
    			1.*) stars="★½☆☆☆"; rating=30 ;;
    			2) stars="★★☆☆☆"; rating=40 ;;
    			2.*) stars="★★½☆☆"; rating=50 ;;
    			3) stars="★★★☆☆"; rating=60 ;;
    			3.*) stars="★★★½☆"; rating=70 ;;
    			4) stars="★★★★☆"; rating=80 ;;
    			4.*) stars="★★★★½"; rating=90 ;;
    			5) stars="★★★★★"; rating=100 ;;
    			5.*) stars="★★★★★"; rating=100 ;;
    			*) stars="• • • • •"; rating=0 ;;
    		# Set rating of the current track to user input
    		osascript -e "tell application \"Music\" to set rating of current track to $rating"
    		echo "$track  $stars"
    		echo "$infoline"
    	echo " Rating not Valid
         Nothing modified"


    second. for "script filter"

    ## Check if iTunes is running and playing a song
    if [ $(osascript -e 'if application "Music" is running then return true') ]; then
    	iTunesPlaying=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Music" to if player state is playing then return true')
    ## If iTunes is playing, start grabbing the data
    if [[ $iTunesPlaying == true ]]; then
    	title=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Music" to "" & artist of current track & " - " & name of current track')
    	rating=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Music" to rating of current track')
    	## Convert to star ratings
    	case $rating in
    		10) stars="½☆☆☆☆";;
    		20) stars="★☆☆☆☆" ;;
    		30) stars="★½☆☆☆" ;;
    		40) stars="★★☆☆☆" ;;
    		50) stars="★★½☆☆" ;;
    		60) stars="★★★☆☆" ;;
    		70) stars="★★★½☆" ;;
    		80) stars="★★★★☆" ;;
    		90) stars="★★★★½" ;;
    		100) stars="★★★★★" ;;
    		*) stars="• • • • •" ;;
    	subtitle="Current rating: $stars"
    	title="No song playing"
    ## XML to Alfred
    echo '<?xml version="1.0"?><items>'
    echo "<item arg=\"{query}\" uid=\"rating\" valid=\"$valid\">"
    echo "<title>$title</title>"
    echo "<subtitle>$subtitle</subtitle>"
    echo "<icon>info.png</icon></item></items>"
    echo "</items>"


    that's all. 

    have for fun!

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