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Russell C. Banks

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Posts posted by Russell C. Banks

  1. When Obsidian is the front app, and I call the Alfred Clipboard History, when I enter Cmd 3 to select the third item in the history list, Obsidian "thinks" the Cmd 3 is for itself and puts ### (level 3 heading code) in front of the first history item, giving the result in this screenshot:






    Obsidian's the only app I’ve noticed doing this. Electron issue? Any way around it?



  2. I'd like all apps newly launched (or just activated) by Alfred to appear in the same part of the screen. 


    So, it would have to be universal, not tied to any one app. Here's my vision of this:


    1. Cmd space to call the Alfred entry panel
    2. Enter the name of any app
    3. Choose it from Alfred's search results
    4. Let the app launch
    5. Send an unchanging keystroke that Moom intercepts and puts the activated app in the same place, every time.


    Any ideas how I might approach this? 



  3. When I invoke the Web Bookmarks feature and enter the name of a Safari bookmark folder, Alfred returns the bookmarks in that folder, but not bookmarks within sub-folders. Is there a way to include sub-folders? I don't nest them very deeply, so it would usually be a manageable list. 


    Or even better, a keyword for when I want to go into the nested folders...



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