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Posts posted by Harad

  1. On 12/28/2020 at 10:43 PM, gswilderman said:

    Yes you are correct, it says "File : Image_XX.JPG"..... I was hoping it was just a setting change, not a bug.....



    In fact, there is a workaround, but you must sacrifice another feature of Clipboard. If you turn off in the Alfred's Clipboard settings that you do not want to "Keep File Lists", as per the screenshot below, then the issue resolves itself. This is something, which has been getting on my nerves for a very long time. 

    This is the tip I got from Alfred support, and it did in fact work. Since, I predominantly use clipboard history for text and images, I don't mind not having the file lists in the clipboard history. 

    Alfred Preferences - CleanShot 2021-03-16 at 15.14.58.png

  2. A very simple Alfred workflow that searches for a specified book title/genre on three different hosting websites (https://b-ok.cc/https://libgen.me/http://libgen.li/).





    • Find instantly books you are after 




    P.S.: You need to buy the Powerpack to use this workflow - but it's well worth it! 

    🛠 Setup:

    • No setup required. The workflow uses your default browser. 
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