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Posts posted by JustMeJulia

  1. Hello :)


    First, thank you so much for this workflow, which has made working with my files so much easier. 


    I was wondering if it was possible to change the indicator for what a tag is? Currently, tags are written <#tag>, and I would like to change that to <@tag>.


    Since Typora isn't available on iOS/iPadOS, I'm trying Notebooks app on the mobile devices (yes, I have tried and discarded every other tool, for various reasons), and Notebooks app renders tags with the hash as headings. That's why I'd like to use the at-sign instead, as that would then still allow me to use Alfred+this workflow on the Mac, and on my mobile devices Notebooks wouldn't choke on the hash-sign anymore.


    I looked through the workflow, but I'm no programmer and I couldn't find a way to simply redefine the symbol. If that would be possible in any way, I'd really appreciate a tip on how to accomplish that.



  2. Hi there!


    I wanted to ask how I can modify the *amount* of volume increase and decrease? A friend of mine tweaked the workflow in Alfred for me in the past (I'm not a coder, but I can change a line of script if you tell me where and what to change it to :D ), but I have a new Mac now. Whenever I press my hotkeys for increasing or decreasing the volume, it changes by WAY too much. I want smaller steps.



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