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Posts posted by new member

  1. I updated from version 1.4.0 to version 2.0.3.
    I was looking forward to the new Workflow, but it doesn't seem to work as well as it should.


    In the new Workflow, the command was changed to ".bw", so I typed it in.
    Alfred thinks for a moment and then only shows the ".bwauth unlock" option.

    Looking at GitHub, I can see that I can change the settings with the command ".bwconfig", but when I type that command, it says ".bwauth unlock".


    I thought the Bitwarden CLI was not unlocked and ran ".bwauth unlock".

    Then I was prompted to enter my password.
    I joyfully entered my password.

    But next, I was asked to enter "2FA".
    Since I don't have 2FA enabled, I get an error no matter what I enter.


    You won't find these steps in Git's ReadMe either.
    It looks like I can change the enable/disable of 2FA, but I can't get to ".bwconfig" and change it.

    Obviously, the new Workflow has a problem.
    I immediately reverted to version 1.4.0.


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