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Posts posted by Marked

  1. Sorry, I guess I am not correctly reading the script readme file. My understanding is that I should move these .json files into .../Alfred.alfredpreferences/snippets/groupname. This is how I started digging into the Application Support folder. I clearly do not understand your directions and and need someone to explain this me like I'm a five year-old. I'll reach out to tech support and step away. Thank you for trying to help me out.

  2. 1 hour ago, deanishe said:


    You sure you looked in the right place? It’s not /Library/Application Support, it’s in ~/Library/Application Support (i.e. in your home directory).


    Apologies for my misunderstanding. Looking in the correct path, I see /Application Support but I don't see anything deeper as described in the script post. I can see the snippets.alfdb file inside of the Databases folder. I do not see /snippets/groupname as described for using the script. Also, does groupname refer to Collections? I've already started using Alfred and created a few snippets from scratch.

  3. I am trying to use the original script referenced here, but I do not understand where Alfred stores snippets. Thus far, I've looked in Library/Application Support, but there are no Alfred folders in there. I'm running the latest version of Alfred on Catalina.


    Also, I have a sinking feeling that this original script won't work for me, as I have to export my TextExpander snippets from my online account and the only option for the csv export from their website does not include the snippet name – after running the script, there are a lot less .json files than snippets I'm trying to import.  (my desktop app is thrashed and I've spent two weeks with Smile trying to get it to sync with their servers and hence the reason for my jump to Alfred for this). However, I need to know where to stick the .json files to see what has happened thus far.

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