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    hicksca reacted to Balverine in alfred-chrome - Open URL in Google Chrome (also with specific profile)   
    For those who absolutely must to have some shortcuts to open different Chrome profiles but can't use this Workflow extension, here is a little something that is very minimal but helps me navigate through my profile.
    You can create your own Alfred workflow, that triggers by an input with arguments.
    Link this trigger to a "Run Script Action" object.
    Configure the Script Action with the following snippet:
    query=$1 /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --profile-directory="Profile $query" This will take your first argument of the commend and append it to the "Profile " word.
    Now, I have list of profiles in my chrome that I would like to open. I simply associate them with numbers in my head (I don't have that much).
    To help you find the number of the profile, or as a matter of fact, an actual identifier of the profile in case you have something different that just Profile #number
    Open your Chrome profile, type in search bar "chrome://version" 
    You will find the profile name and its path by:
    Profile Path    /Users/<YOUR USER NAME HERE>/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 1  
    So this number at the end is what I swap out when switching between profiles.
    Simple, quick hustle 
    This by no means a production ready workflow, but for those who couldn't even try out the current workflow due to the error above and need some solutions.
    This what it looks like for me in the end


    And SCRIPT:

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