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Posts posted by rootscript

  1. Hello Shawn,


    We seem to be aiming for the same thing, but I don't think you are get going to get exactly what you want 'quickly' in the forums.  You could look at the 'website pop-up' again; I've messaged you a link that is interesting, that shows an example of what it could be used for.  I played around with this for a while, and tucked it away for use later.


    I really do believe that your vision of an addon/helper for Alfred, isn't as well received as it should be; for what ever reason that is, your guess is as good as mine.


    I think you may resort to xcode in the end; I'm new to xcode, but have stared writing/learning to write my own HUD. In a day, I've only got as far as a nice transparent window of any size, that appears where ever I want on screen.  I've added the growl.framework to my HUD.app, and I can send messages to growl from it.

    But I'm still driving towards a large on screen HUD which can display a lot of formatted info.  I need to figure out how to get my HUD app to receive input from other sources, such as Alfred.  If you would like to help out, let me know.  It may end up being more than just a better 'Large Type', or a helper app for Alfred; lets see.


    Best Regards

  2. @rice.shawn  Thank you, this opens up a lot of possibilities (I replied in the other thread, but posting an example here to maintain some clarity)


    Action > Run Script

    zsh escaping everything


    # this will output your query & display it as rendered html


    echo -n '{query}' > ~/index.html && cd ~ && qlmanage -p index.html


    #this will display it as syntax highlighted code instead (as long as you have QLColorCode.qlgenerator)


    qlmanage -p index.html -c .html -g /Users/rootscript/Library/QuickLook/QLColorCode.qlgenerator


    This thread is turning out to be a lot of {query} output fun

  3. @rice.shawn  Thank you, this opens up a lot of possibilities :o)

    @CarlosNZ Here is an example of outputting a {query} and displaying with quicklook. && another example forcing the {query} to use whatever ql generator you have installed:


    Action > Run Script

    zsh escaping everything


    # this will output your query & display it as rendered html

    echo -n '{query}' > ~/index.html && cd ~ && qlmanage -p index.html

    #this will display it has syntax highlighted code instead (as long as you have QLColorCode.qlgenerator)

    qlmanage -p index.html -c .html -g /Users/rootscript/Library/QuickLook/QLColorCode.qlgenerator

    This thread is turning out to be a lot of {query} output fun :o)

  4. You guys will probably like this:

    In terminal try installing 'terminal-notifier':

    sudo gem install terminal-notifier


    Then try sending a notification like this:

    terminal-notifier -message "Test message goes here" -title "Test Title" -subtitle "My nice subtitle"




    I think this is a VERY useful addition (for small notifications), that we can use in our workflows.

  5. @David Ferguson & @Tyler Eich - Thanks for your suggestions.


    I agree. Some Growl themes will have a maximum height set on the popup window but many do not. I've used it in the past to display data that fill the entire height of the screen.


    David, This sounds very useful for big/long notifications.  Can you post an example workflow, with a explanation, please?

  6. @CarlosNZ

    Here is an old xcode project I found that has a little cocoa framework example called:

    HUDWindow.app (I don't think it uses webkit)





    I appreciate that you guys must be busy with a million different requests.  Maybe there is someone (with a little xcode experience) who would be willing to create a little osx app from the supplied code (like the example HUDWindow.app) that will read an output from Alfred and just display it.


    Anybody willing to help out?

  7. There really isn't a way to custom the large type feature. Perhaps you could use Growl for managing something like this. Some Growl themes have a max height set so it would truncate the data but a lot of them don't. 

    @David Ferguson | @Andrew

    All I managed to find was 'Alfred Preferences Defaults.plist'










    It would be really cool, if we could change the position, font, and colours; just like we can for the rest of the Alfred Theme.

    If it isn't too much trouble, could you expose the settings to us?

  8. Need some help getting started with this workflow.

    Essentially what I need is this:


    [1] I'll be looking at a website in Chrome, and I would like to see how it will look on an Ipad or Iphone, via IOS Simulator.app (it comes with xcode).


    [2] I have lots of local index.html files I'm working on.  I would like to open the selected file in IOS Simulator to se how it will look on an Ipad.


    Can anyone, give me an outline of how to achieve these workflows, please?


  9. @twinpeaks

    I can see where you are coming from. I started using Alfred at v2, so I keep finding links to "Great" Alfred extensions; that are useless to me.

    At least now with a little effort & some advice from you I can at least extract any applescripts, and switch settings etc...


    After reading your reply, I think a better utility would be an Alfred (shell script / applescript) extractor.  Even that isn't really needed, maybe all thats really needed is a little post explaining how.

  10. @David

    Ok so I tried renaming the someaction.alfredextension to someaction.alfredextension.zip

    Extracted it and get a couple of .plist


    If I open in PlistEdit Pro I can see a bunch of <keys>

    and of course some terminal commands and some applescript.


    Surely converting a v1 alfredextension to a v2 workflow could be automated a little?

  11. There isn't a way to just click a button and convert them but alfredextensions can typically be converted rather easily. Most were just shell scripts that you could copy and paste the code from the extension into a "Keyword to Script" workflow template and have most of the work done.

    So if you have a someaction.alfredextension

    What do you open the .alfredextension with to copy from ?

    Do you have to have a copy of Alfred v1 to do this?

  12. @David Ferguson

    When I saw the 'Large Type' option in Alfred, I thought GREAT, an area I can output  results to, but as discussed above found there is no way to customise it.


    Maybe an alternative could be outputting to something like 'GeekTool.app'.  So we could create a Geeklet where ever we want on the desktop, and have complete control over its position, size, fonts, etc...


    What do you think?


    Obviously it would be easier if there was a customisable Notification area built into Alfred; When I saw the 'Large Type' option I thought like that looked liked the start of something that could be really useful.

  13. @Andrew

    I upgraded to v2.0.2 (178)

    added search scope:



    I copied 'IOS Simulator.app' to /Applications/ to test.


    when i 'afred' 'iphone' i get returned:

    IOS Simulator

    /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app


    iPhone Simulator.app

    /Applications/iPhone Simulator.app


    when i 'alfred' 'ios' i get:

    IOS Simulator

    /Applications/iPhone Simulator.app


    So my question is when alfred searches, does it search ny the actual app name as we see it, or by the 'Bundle name' in the apps info.plist (which happens to be 'iPhone Simulator')?

  14. I love the idea of outputting to 'Large Type' rather than to 'Growl' or 'Notification Center'.

    Looking at workflow outputs, there is an option to output to 'Large Type', which fills the screen with whatever text you specify.


    How do I specify the maximum size font used for this?

    or is there a way to choose where this Large Type appears, and how large the area is?


    I am looking to output text & results to a nice 'Little Box' with text that is a little more sensibly sized.





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