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Posts posted by heldausberlin

  1. I'm on to make a remote for Keynote. It's all fine with previous/next build, pause, back etc but it doesn't work for "next slide".


    The keyboard shortcut is shift+down arrow.


    The script is:

    tell application "System Events"
    	keystroke downarrow using shift down
    end tell

    All letters on keyboard are working but no system keys like "enter" or the arrows. What's wrong with that?

  2. I guess great minds think the same, I wrote a remote workflow and submitted to packal (waiting to get approved) that will control the volume on your mac



    Great! If you like, you could change the code for the mute button with:

    if output muted of (get volume settings) is true then
    set volume without output muted
    set volume with output muted
    end if

    Then you don't need two buttons for Mute/Unmute. You can tap the same button for both functions. Also you can change the background color in the same green tone.

  3. Since v2 it is impossible to open contacts in Contacts.app if "Open Contacts in Alfred" is activated.


    In v1 it was possible by typing the right cursor key to get the dialog "open" to open the selected contact in Contacts.app. So if I like to change phone number of a contact, I can’t do it with Alfred.


    Will it come again? Thanks.

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