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Posts posted by iclark

  1. Hi I just tried this workflow and am getting an error:


    Error -1708 : ABBYY FineReader PDF got an error: "Sample File.pdf" doesn't understand the "«event FR 73»" message.

    I am running Alfred 5.0.2 and ABBYY FineReader PDF version 15.2.6

  2. I uninstalled Alfred, rebooted, and reinstalled it. I noticed a few things.

    1. I was using a much older version of Alfred

    2. When it came to authorizing Alfred in the Security and Privacy area, the app shows up under Accessibility and Contacts, but not Full Disk Access. When I made my first couple of searches I was asked to allow access to the Downloads Folder, Documents, etc. as I searched files in different places. It's still not listed under Full Disk Access.

    3. It will not search the Google Drive folder. It seems this is a Google issue and the current version of Googles Desktop Drive is not allowing macs to index the drive. This is affecting both silicon and intel chips.


    Now that I have reinstalled it seems to be working, but again I am using Alfred 4 so the whole app is different from what I was using before. I am hoping Google updates the indexing issue and it seems to be on the message boards for 2-3 months now. 


    Running masOS Monetery 12.0.1 Intel Chip

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