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Posts posted by jhutch

  1. While I did this initially during the troubleshooting phase, I did not check the "Delete .Spotlight-V100 before reindex" option before doing the "Rebuild macOS Metadata" process under Advanced. I gave it another try and the full file search functionality has been restored to Alfred. Even on a loaded new MBP, this reindexing process will legit take awhile.


    Additional note: Make sure you manually add Terminal.app (Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app) to Full Disk Access. It ain't gonna add itself (or prompt you to provide permissions or anything else like that) and you will NOT be able to delete .Spotlight-V100 (despite using su/sudo).


    Hope other folks have similar positive results.

  2. I did not see it referenced above, but Disk Utility sees no issues (permissions or otherwise) when running a repair disk routine and there is no impact on the file search issue with Alfred. If it is a permissions issue, then it is a very odd one given the interplay involved with Spotlight and seeming restriction to only files (but not folders) in user’s home directories tied to migrations.


    By-the-by, I’m also another 10 year user and have had Alfred running daily across countless systems/migrations/etc. over that time period with no issue (other than some weirdness with snippets when that was a new feature). Also have generally kept it on pre-release updates, too.

  3. I am having the same issue. Have gone through the recommended steps, including rebuilding the macOS metadata and no luck. The File Search troubleshooting shows all green checkmarks - before I did any troubleshooting and after everything was rebuilt. Focusing on one test file (an Excel .xslx file within home directory structure) The file in question showed up in spotlight without issue and continues to do so. This is all on a new 2021 MBP (M1 Max) that brought over another system's data (2019 MBP) via migration assistant. On that prior/source system, both before AND after upgrade to Monterey (up to current 12.0.1), that .xlsx file comes up on file search in Alfred with no issue. Both systems using 4.6 [1266]. On new MBP it appears that it will return folders under the ~/ structure, but otherwise no files. It will return files elsewhere (under /Applications/*, /System/*, etc.). Settings are the same between systems, including Home Folder: ~ (Unix Standard). Nothing weird in Spotlight settings under Privacy - all default system settings. Hopefully these details help trace this issue, however I am baffled by the different results between the 2021 and 2019 MBPs with essentially the same settings/data/etc. Is this an Apple Silicon issue, somehow?

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