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Chris Ryal

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Posts posted by Chris Ryal

  1. Thanks for this: it's very useful. I'm running Chromium, but with a couple of changes it works well.

    One hiccup: it doesn't seem to like bookmarks in Japanese. Seems like any bookmark with a Unicode reference for a double-byte character in the "name" field of a Chrome bookmark gets junked in the database and doesn't show up in searches. For example, the Bookmarks record below doesn't get picked up (even though the name contains some non-Japanese text):


                "date_added": "12988168872055591",
                "id": "73",
                "name": "goo \u5927\u76F8\u64B2",
                "type": "url",
                "url": "http://sumo.goo.ne.jp/"


    Could this have something to do with the SQLite database encoding?

    [edit]…or maybe not: I just had a look at the database in the Firefox SQLite Manager, and the Japanese looks fine.

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